
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

As Promised... is the scoop from our speaking event.

After putting our blood, sweat and tears into both our new website (check it out!) and our materials for our presentation, we are feeling pretty good about how everything turned out yesterday. We traveled down to Columbus to the Marriott at the airport and spoke to a group of individuals within the security industry on "Promoting Your Brand Through Web & Social Media." A lot of great questions came up regarding use of social media outlets for both marketing and research, and we definitely learned a lot from this great experience. Thanks to Schmidt Security Pro for the invite!

We have a lot of great ideas for future blog posts based on social media topics that we'll share with you soon. Check back in with us to see what tips we have for you and your business!

Here are some pictures from the event...

Natalie getting the projector set up.
Branding portion of the talk...
Ed (VP of Everything Geek)

 Ed & Natalie answering the audience's questions

So....we hate to admit this, but we are suckers for candy. The Marriott conference room we were in had small bowls of these little bites of joy and we took some back with us to enjoy all week!